Proving Your Plastic Surgery Medical Malpractice Case

Many people associate plastic surgery with cosmetic surgery, used to enhance physical features for aesthetic purposes. However, it actually encompasses much more – many medical procedures that involve the reshaping or restructuring of body parts are considered plastic surgery. These procedures aren’t solely aesthetic in nature, as many of them (such as skin grafts and […]

Understanding Medical Malpractice

While modern society is one that is full of services, very few of them are actually necessary for everyday life. One service, however, that is undeniably essential is that of health care. From making sure that minor scrapes don’t turn into major infections to healing everything from broken bones to bruises, modern medicine solves a […]

How frequently does medical malpractice occur?

Medical malpractice occurs more often than you might think. According to theInstituteofMedicine, between 44,000 and 98,000 Americans die in hospitals each year because of preventable medical errors. There are many misperceptions about medical malpractice lawsuits floating around out there. Although the perception among many is that doctors and hospitals are being sued for every tiny […]

Medication Errors

Scientific advances the past few decades have brought us wonderful medications that can drastically improve the lives of those patients taking them. However, simple mistakes in prescribing or administering such medications to patients have taken countless lives. Unfortunately, medication errors have been estimated to account for about one-quarter of all medical malpractice cases. Often, those […]

How Do I Know if a Doctor or a Hospital Committed Malpractice?

When individuals visit a doctor or a hospital, they expect a very high standard of care. In some cases, patients leave a doctor’s office or a hospital with more problems than they had when they arrived. In other cases, the individuals may have been the victims of medical malpractice but they are unaware that malpractice […]

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