Dallas is preparing to get rent assistance for people in need according to a Kera News article from January 20th. In it they say:
“The Center on Budget Policies and Priorities found that nearly one in five renter households in the U.S. were behind on rent in December, with Black and Latino renters facing even higher rates of housing insecurity.
That cliff’s edge was pushed back by Congress’ last-minute bill last month, but the situation for many renters is still dire.
The eviction moratorium issued by the CDC, which Congress extended a month, is helpful but far from fool-proof, and growing less effective. It’s not automatic, and it only prevents eviction for failure to pay rent.”
In terms of short-term rentals, Dallas is looking to crack down on that according to a Fox 4 article, also from January 20th. In it they say:
“The Dallas City Council is once again trying to put tougher rules on short-term rentals that turn into party homes.
One possible change would ban homes in certain neighborhoods from renting to visitors.
Some homeowners say short-term-rental party houses are ruining their neighborhoods. Now, some city council members are asking staff to find out if the city can legally ban the rentals in areas zoned as single-family.”
It looks like renting in Dallas is about change, with long-term renters getting some much needed aid, and a crackdown on party house renters.