Super Lawyers is a listing of outstanding lawyers from more than 70 practice areas who have attained a high degree of peer recognition and professional achievement. The magazine, featuring articles about attorneys named to the Super Lawyers list, is distributed to all attorneys in the state or region, the lead corporate counsel of Russell 3000 companies and ABA-approved law school libraries.
The Super Lawyers selection process involves a survey of all attorneys in a particular state and rates candidate nominations on a variety of factors including: Representative clients, Experience, Honors and awards, Special licenses and certifications, Position within law firm, Bar and or other professional activity, Pro bono and community service, Scholarly lectures and writings,and Education and employment background. Global Strategy Group (GSG), one of the nation’s leading market research and consulting firms, conducted an independent assessment of the Super Lawyers selection process and concluded that the process is scientific and objective.
The Rising Star designation is an honor granted to only 2.5% of all Texas Lawyers each year.