While defective products lawsuits are effective in helping protect consumers by taking dangerous products off of the market, they are extremely challenging. These are typically very hard-fought cases that involve high-powered opposition. You may not just be going up against the manufacturer, but also suppliers, distributors, retailers and other parties. It is critically important that you have a Dallas attorney on your side who has the experience needed to be able to help you obtain a favorable result in your case. At The Barber Law Firm, we can act as an advocate on your behalf in this kind of case.
A Complex Case
In many instances, experts need to analyze the defective products in order to determine whether or not you have a basis for legal action. Also, there may be others who have the same type of claim as you, and these people may live across several different states. When this occurs, this is known as a class action lawsuit. You may have heard of this kind of case before in regard to certain pharmaceutical products. There are several involved rules that govern this type of legal action, so it is essential that you have a lawyer on your side who knows how to navigate the intricacies.
Formidable Opposition
In most instances when defective products cases are filed, there will, again, be several defendants. If you are filing a case against major manufacturers, retailers and other parties, they will all likely have very large staffs consisting of highly professional defense attorneys working to protect their best interests. In order to achieve a positive result, you will need to not only have experts on your side to testify about the dangers of the product, you’ll also need experienced and effective legal representation.
Time is of the essence when pursuing defective products case. Contact The Barber Law Firm so that we can let you know how we may be able to help. If you have ever been harmed by a dangerous product, let us know by sharing your story using one of the social media icons at the right side of the page.