What type of damages can I receive for my personal injury case?

“Damages” means the monetary value of what is required to compensate you for your losses that were caused by your personal injury. “Damages” is a very broad term, but generally there are two types of damages, economic and non-economic. Punitive damages are a separate type of damages. Punitive damages are monetary damages which are usually not awarded.

Economic damages are monetary damages that are suffered by the injured party. Economic damages is a broad term, and it can include the loss of income because of the injury (both past and present), damage to property, medical expenses (both past and present), the loss of future income because of the injury, and any other extra monetary expenses suffered as a result of the injury. In addition, economic damages can include a variety of other expenses incurred directly or indirectly as a result of the injury, such as any special vehicles or transportation or any special home helpers required because of your injury.

Non-economic damages are damages that can’t be measured in monetary terms. Some common economic damages include mental anguish caused by the injury, pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, loss of consortium (awarded to a spouse for the loss of companionship), and more.

The damages to which a personal injury victim is entitled depends on the facts of the case and they can vary greatly from case to case. Have you suffered an injury in the Dallas area caused by the negligence of another party? If so, contact Dallas personal injury attorney Kris Barber at 972-231-5800.

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Yannis M.

“Mr. Barber helped my friend and me get through the nightmares of dealing with the insurance companies to get the health treatment we needed, and took care of the damage to the car. I would highly recommend The Barber Law Firm. Thank you for helping us through tough times!”

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