Three Lawsuits Sprout Up as Dallas City Accused of Unfairly Taking Property

          Three lawsuits against the City of Dallas claim that the city unjustly took an office lot and several vehicles that Dallas City does not own in an article published by NBC 5 DFW on November 6th. In it they say: 

Parties that claim to be the rightful owners are suing to get the vehicles back or keep the city from taking the building. The office building on Highway 67 at Hampton road is on Dallas Executive Airport property, with a ground lease from the city that was first signed in 1975.

Trey Cox, the attorney for building owner Oxley Leasing, said a property manager died and paperwork about the lease extension two years ago can’t be found.” 

            Oxley Leasing is filing this lawsuit against the city after this troubling seizure, and it isn’t the first time they’ve dealt with obstacles this year. The Business Times published an article on October 23rd about how the real estate company was struggling with the effects of the pandemic. In it they say: 

“OXLEY Holdings said that the completion of construction works in its properties is expected to be delayed by four to six weeks because of the Covid-19 pandemic, with construction sites having ceased activities to varying degrees in Singapore and overseas.”

            Here’s hoping that the ordeal gets sorted out between Oxley and the City of Dallas and that all properties end up with the rightful owner/s. 


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