Thousands of Dallas Students Clear College Debt Thanks To New Federal Initiative

14,00 Dallas students have had their college debt canceled according to a North texas e-News article from June 3rd. The article reports,

“Dallas College’s Fresh Start program canceled outstanding debts for around 11,000 students who attended classes during the spring, summer and fall 2020 semesters, and another 3,700 students from the Spring 2021 semester. A total of more than $5.8 million was paid off under the federal government’s Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF), designed to help students who faced financial hardship under COVID-19.”

This isn’t the only form of support the program has provided according to a CBS DFW 11 article from June 4th which reports,

“Dallas College said Fresh Start is its most recent effort to help students who struggled during the pandemic. Beginning last spring, and for the entire year that followed, the college said it provided laptops and hotspots to students who needed them. Students facing financial hardships—from childcare needs to housing or food insecurity—could apply for emergency funds to help them stay enrolled. When vaccines became available, Dallas College’s Eastfield Campus opened up as a vaccination site.”

For more information about the program, you can check out the official website here.


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