If I have suffered injuries in an apartment fire in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, can I sue my landlord?

Whether or not you can hold your landlord responsible for your injuries depends on the circumstances of the fire. You may wish to speak to one of our personal injury attorneys about the fire. The attorney can help determine whether you have a solid case against the landlord or any other parties. 

Burns can be very traumatic for the burn victim. Burns can be extraordinarily painful. Burns are so painful because they involve an area with a high density of nerves. Burns can also leave physical and emotional scars behind. 

One of the risks of living in an apartment is that you may suffer consequences because of the actions of your landlord and neighbors, even if you have taken all necessary precautions to prevent a fire. After an apartment fire, it is common for landlords and building owners to pressure fire victims into not filing claims, in an attempt to avoid the financial ramifications of a lawsuit. 

Property owners and managers have a duty to take every reasonable action required to reduce the risk of a fire and to keep their buildings up to code for the safety of their tenants. If they fail to do so and a fire occurs, they can be held responsible. Some of the actions that landlords and property managers are expected to take for the safety of their tenants include providing and maintaining working smoke detectors, making sure the property is correctly wired, keeping exit paths clear from clutter, and providing and maintaining fire extinguishers for use on the property. 

Because of the expense involved, many landlords choose to cut corners and do not take all actions they should to prevent fires. If you have been harmed in an apartment fire that you believe could have been prevented by your landlord, talk to the Barber Law Firm about getting a consultation with a premises liability lawyer.


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