Man From Plano Helps To Keep Blockbuster Afloat

David Carrera has been helping to keep the last remaining Blockbuster branches operating following their announcement in 2013 that it would be closing down its doors according to an Audacy article. They say,


“When Blockbuster announced back in 2013 that they would be shutting down their remaining stores, many devoted fans felt abandoned. Despite the growth of streaming, an entire generation still wanted to go to a store to rent their movies. Luckily, a few stores decided to remain open, but without corporate support, they were forced rely on one man from Plano, Texas to help keep them afloat.”


Carrera went from being one of Blockbuster’s biggest fans to working there. He offered his expertise to help with the need of computer infrastructure according to a Local Profile article which reports, 


“Carrera went from renting videos at Blockbuster to working there, joining the McKinney office and overseeing computer operations for 6,000-plus stores. But with the rise of streaming, Blockbuster branches closed, and in 2013, all company-owned stores shuttered. Thirty franchises remained but they still needed computer infrastructure. Carrera offered his expertise. 


I reached out to the front of the remaining franchisees and said, ‘Hey, if you want to still keep going, I’ll support you,’” said Carrera. The dated software needed a fix, and at Carrera’s Plano home, he and some former staffers gathered to create a much-needed update, making it possible for him to oversee the centralized computer system.“


Now there is only one Blockbuster left in Oregon, and it still uses the software he created. 


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