Many automobile accidents or other types of accidents result in disc injuries, which are injuries to the cartilage pads that exist between the bones of the spine. Sometimes, a disc compresses or degenerates due to trauma. Some common disc problems include disc bulges and herniated or ruptured discs.
A disc bulge occurs when the outer fibers of the spinal disc weaken, allowing the center of the disc to bulge outward. Disc bulges are often the first step towards a more serious problem called a herniated disc. A herniated disc is similar to a disc bulge, except that the outer layers of the disc weaken to the point of tearing. A disc bulge in the lower back can cause back pain, numbness, tingling, sharp pain, or weakness in the feet or legs. A disc bulge in the neck can cause pain, but in some cases causes numbness, tingling, sharp pain or weakness in the arms or hands.
A herniated disc occurs when the outer fibers of the spinal disc tear, which allows the center of the disc to herniated or bulge outward. A herniated disc is more serious than a disc bulge, which is simply a weakening of the disc. Symptoms of a herniated disc can vary greatly but can include lower back aches, numbness, weakness, leg pain, tingling, deep muscle pain and muscle spasms.
When a person hurts his or her back in an accident, lifelong pain, surgery, or rehabilitation may result. You may not be able to tell the full extent of the damage to your back until some time has passed after the accident. Therefore, if an insurance adjuster pressures you to take a settlement shortly after an accident, you should not accept the offer until after you’ve consulted with a personal injury attorney.
Talk to the personal injury team at The Barber Law Firm to learn about your options.